Judges and Volunteers

From the Event Page, click "Setup," then "Judges and Volunteers"


Resources for administrators
FAQs, Tips, Video Tutorials, and helpful articles


judges and volunteers circled


Keep your Judges and Volunteers in the loop

✔️ Stay connected when sending notices

Manage the people who receive important updates from you. When you send running orders, bulk emails, or use the "Send Emails" feature, everyone listed here will be included.

✔️ Update Judging info

Have a change in Judges or Trainers? Change them here so they correctly appear on running orders and catalogs.

Video Tutorials

judges and volunteers video shot

View and change judges and volunteers

Need more answers?

Find more information by simply clicking on the help bot located in the bottom right corner of any page and ask it any questions. If you can't find the answer you're looking for, leave us a message and we'll be sure to get back to you!

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