PerfDog Updates

Here's where we keep track of all the cool new stuff we've added, the tweaks we've made, and the pesky bugs we've squashed!

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JUNE 2024

June marks a period of exciting developments, featuring the introduction of NEW support for AFTCA trials, alongside Amateur Walking Puppy and Master Hunter Excellent stakes within our Hunt Tests!

In response to valuable feedback from our users, we've implemented a myriad of enhancements, corrections, and modifications to the app, all designed to streamline processes and clarify functionalities.

View the updates below.


MAY 2024

May brings new features for non-AKC events, PWD Water Trials, and a new checkout experience and credit card saving features for users. Read all the details below.



APRIL 2024

April is all about bug fixes!  See what we squashed below!


MARCH 2024

Exciting News - Our Website Has a Fresh Look! Discover the ease of exploring PerfDog's offerings for dog clubs on our revamped site. Features like Event Search, Event Entry, and Club Websites have moved to an exclusive app for a streamlined experience. The app's home page is also redesigned. Dive deeper into this month's changes by choosing a section below.




In our February 2024 update, we continue to improve Account Merging and fixed a few other issues.  See more about these by selecting a section below.




This minor release has brought several updates and bug fixes to PerfDog. See more by clicking a section below.




In this December 2023 update, we are excited to introduce Account Merging, along with a handy option to hide dogs in My Dogs. Additionally, we have addressed a fix for membership renewal reminder emails. Discover more about these and more updates by selecting a section below.



This minor release contains bug fixes. See more by clicking a section below.


This month has brought us some awesome upgrades to the Send Email feature, and guess what? You can now even include emojis! 🎉🍻

We've made Limits statuses much more noticeable so you know when a stake or level is full or almost full (we'll work on the colors later, promise!). Now, when people make a reservation, they'll see they have an hour to check out before the slot opens up again to the public. Also, admins can now upload their own logo on the event page to add a personal touch. And, we've made it easier for you with on-screen guidance on how to fix any premium upload errors. 

See all the details below!


Introducing our latest addition: 24x7 assistance! This month, we are thrilled to unveil our cutting-edge knowledge base and AI-powered help widget. It's a game-changing upgrade that surpasses our previous support system by leaps and bounds! Not only that, but we've also taken care of numerous bug fixes. See more details below!


In response to receiving negative feedback on the website's performance, we made the decision to migrate to a new web platform that offers enhanced monitoring capabilities and allows us to address any issues promptly. Now, during periods of high traffic, our site's performance will be optimized to ensure smooth loading experiences for our users. Take a look at all the changes we've made this August.

JULY 2023

On site event updates are now live, so you can keep everyone in the loop by sending messages during your event. We now have amazing new event setup assistant and a super handy processing fee calculator. We've also made several fixes and improvements to our waiting lists and Water Trial paperwork. Plus, we've spruced up the user interface and added a new PDF viewer. Check out all the details below.

APRIL 2023

We've spruced up the user interface this month to make website use and navigation easier. We've made some improvements to Water Trials and even revamped the labels for the new AKC Hunt Test Report. And of course, we've squashed several pesky bugs along the way. Take a look at all the changes below!

MARCH 2023

We've made some exciting improvements this month! Get ready for enhanced event reports, user accounts, user interface, the extras page, the Premium upload page, and the event setup. Plus, we've resolved pesky issues with the running order, finalization wizard, catalog, and even dog loading. Details are listed below!


The highly anticipated Event Finalization Assistant is finally here! Event admins now have full control over finalizing their events and getting paid. Users now receive notifications if they're not receiving event emails, and admins can easily view email logs for their events to ensure that everyone is receiving PerfDog emails. Explore all the exciting changes that have been made this month in the sections below!


Exciting news! PerfDog has made a major upgrade to become a fully Self-service platform. Event admins from pointing breed clubs now have the power to set up their own events, while other activities can easily be cloned from previous events. What's more, the approval process for the premium list can now be overridden. Discover all the changes below!

1 min read

How to Optimize Your Event Budget with PerfDog

PerfDog is an invaluable tool for dog event management, but fees can sometimes impact your bottom line. Here are some...
1 min read

2024 Mid-Year Update!

We've been busy bees at PerfDog, and we're excited to share a bunch of new features and bug fixes that have landed over...

THE PERFDOG POST - December 2023 Newsletter

December 2023 PerfDog Post Vol. 4 Issue 3 We have a NEW Help Center! We're now more ready than ever to handle high...


November 2022

  • The partner event in the shopping cart view is now easier to see.
  • Changed the dog registration type and registration number types to radio buttons (instead of a dropdown list) to avoid confusing first time PerfDog users.
  • Removed the 'Dogs' step from the entry/registration wizard because it caused too much confusion.  Instead, there are 'New dog' and 'Change dog info' buttons on the 'Stakes' step.
  • Improved the automatic premium checker to be more flexible when looking for walking field trial stakes and 'change or cancel' language.
  • Fixed a crash when showing a judge's history for a field trial without results.
  • Fixed running order view on small phones.
  • Fixed multiple UI issues with navigating from the standard club membership wizard's dogs step to the dog wizard for non-admins.

October 2022

  • 'My activities' now includes a separate section for secretaries, chairpeople, and other people with special access to see the events they're involved in, whether or not they have entries in the events.
  • We now notify club membership chairs or club secretaries when a non-event-related email (e.g., membership expiration warning) can't be sent to someone because their mailbox is full or some other 'permanent' problem occurs.
  • We now immediately grant 'admin' permissions to the secretary and chair of a new AKC event.
  • Added venue, address, map, and directions to user confirmation emails.
  • The automatic premium checker now understands over 2000 common nicknames when looking for secretary, judge, and other names in premium text.  It's also much more flexible when looking for the PerfDog address and other required information.
  • Warn secretaries in a very obvious way before they cancel entries or extras without providing a credit or refund.
  • When changing the breed restriction for an entire event, all stakes are immediately set to the same value.
  • When replacing one dog with another in an entry, don't let a pre-existing waiting list entry for the new dog in the same stake prevent system from doing the replacement correctly.
  • The blank scorecards feature now works again for hunt tests.
  • Secretaries can now remove 'extra' item descriptions and instructions.
  • Allow an exactly 6 month old dog to enter on the Sunday of a double hunt test that starts on Saturday when they're in an earlier time zone than the event.
  • Secretaries can once again edit someone else's dog's information.
  • Very long email addressee are now wrapped on the generated PDF entries report.

September 2022

  • Secretaries can now make their own event 'managed' if they've previously been a secretary for the same type of event with the same club.
  • Sign in pages now have a Help video showing how to reset a password.
  • The premium upload page now has 'Copy text' buttons to make it easier for secretaries to copy and paste our required language into their premiums.
  • The 'cancel entries and extras' page now has larger and accentuated checkboxes to make them harder to miss.  We now also show a popup confirmation window if the admin doesn't check any boxes to make sure it's not a mistake.
  • The home page's 'See more activities' button now immediately shows more in the same place.  Clicking it again takes the user to the event search page.
  • When a secretary locks a running order, they are now notified that this will make it visible to others.
  • Added visual highlights around the 'return entry fee' and 'refund immediately' checkboxes on the cancellation page so they're harder to miss.
  • Secretaries can no longer opt out of sending notification emails to themselves and entrants when performing moves, swaps, and cancellations. This is for record-keeping purposes.
  • PerfDog now has new colors, new home page images, an updated menu bar, and event search on the home page. 
  • Fixed a crash when trying to show (or generate PDF's for) running orders, catalogs, and results for certain types of events.
  • Fixed a crash caused when someone inserts a premium URL into a bulk email as text instead of a link.
  • Fixed a crash when someone views a running order that doesn't have any stakes in one of the event's days

August 2022

Major release

  • If an entrant and a secretary try to cancel the same entries at the same time, they will each see that someone else is making changes simultaneously and we'll ask them to coordinate.  If they both proceed, the first one to move forward 'wins' and the duplicates will be removed from the other person's cart.
  • Added new AKC field trial champion titles for 'Regional Championship' events. 
  • We now send reminder emails to entrants when they're supposed to bring a check to an event.  The reminders are sent 3 days before the event is scheduled to begin.  We also email event secretaries 2 days before their events begin to let them know who they should collect checks from and how much they should be for.
  • Entrants now have 1 hour to finish checking out after reaching the 'Review' step of the registration wizard before their shopping cart will be emptied and they'll need to start over.  PerfDog will send them a reminder email after 45 minutes if they haven't checked out yet so they'll have a chance to make progress, which restarts the 1 hour timer. After 1 hour without progress, they'll receive an email letting them know they need to start over.
  • When admins enter on behalf of entrants, they can say that they already have a check in hand or that the entrant will bring their check to the event, in which case the club is responsible for the PerfDog processing fee if entries/extras paid for by that check are cancelled for any reason (including cancellation of the entire event).  If the entrant later pays with a credit card instead, the club is no longer responsible for the fees.
  • When a secretary allows a waiting list entry into their event, assuming the entrant will pay and enter after the deadline to respond expires, we let them know that we won't strictly enforce payment by credit card only in this situation and require them to accept responsibility for checks brought to their event.  This can happen if the entrant does not have an authorized credit card on file or if the charge fails for some reason and the entrant does not try to charge their card again or switch to another card.
  • Entrants must pay the check mailing fee if they enter an event where the club pays all fees, but then they cancel entries and ask for a refund after the event is finished.
  • Significant change: we no longer allow people to pay for club memberships, membership renewals, or merchandise with a check.  In fact, all non-event-related purchases must be paid for with a credit card.
  • When admins allow someone's waiting list entries, they can say that the entrant will bring a check to the event, in which case the club is responsible for the PerfDog processing fees if the entries paid for by that check are cancelled for any reason (including cancellation of the entire event).  If the entrant later pays with a credit card instead, the club is no longer responsible for the fees.
  • Significant change: we no longer let people enter non-managed events and pay online.  Instead, they must mail their printed entry forms along with their check to the event secretary themselves.
  • Major change: we no longer let people enter an event and promise to mail a check.  Instead, we now require them to mail printed entry forms along with their check before they can be entered or take up space in the event.  If it's already past our mailing cutoff, we tell people they must pay with a credit card or contact the event secretary.
  • BUG: don't let someone get stuck on the registration wizard if they uncheck the 'I agree' box on the documents step and then go backwards in the wizard before trying to go forward again.
  • BUG: fixed nasty problem where somebody starts to cancel an entry and goes to the review page or their cart, then changes their mind and undoes the change and proceeds to finish checking out with whatever else is in their cart, then in the future they actually do cancel that original entry, which causes the system to get messed up.
  • BUG: fixed rare issue that could cause dog wizard changes to be lost even though it looks like they're being saved.
  • BUG: fixed a very rare issue where someone was able to click 'pay' twice in rapid succession, which caused Stripe to return a new error related to reuse of our idempotency key that we showed the user instead of hiding, which in turn made them try again and thus getting charged twice.  Added multiple layers of additional protection to avoid this problem in the future.
  • BUG: fixed some stake editing issues that occasionally caused serious problems with duplicate stake ID's (when adding custom stakes like "Huntin' Dawg" to a Hunt Test or when editing a Clinic), drag/drop issues, and stake ordering issues (due to incorrect values for 'order' in some cases).  We now explicitly maintain 'order' on every stake (and level for events organized by day/trial/type/level) that starts at 1 each day and goes up from there without resetting at each new trial.  Removing and re-adding custom stakes/levels can cause gaps in the stake ID (e.g, we might have 'other2' and 'other4' without an 'other3'), but 'order' will not have any gaps.
  • BUG: fixed a rare issue where we think our PDF library is ready to use when it's not.

February 2022

Major release

  • We now provide more helpful information when multiple people are trying to enter the same dog in the same event at the same time.
  • Made 'move entry' much faster.
  • AKC Obedience and Rally trials are now supported for online entry!  We automatically enforce most entry rules, such as requiring a title to enter certain classes or preventing entry in other classes where having a title makes a dog overqualified.  Secretaries can also enforce entry limits, see entry reports and counts, export entry and dog data to a CSV file, get a basic catalog (with catalog/armband numbers assigned automatically and jump heights for classes that require them), and more!
  • Event catalogs now optionally include an 'Exhibitors index' page (showing each exhibitor/handler and their catalog/armband numbers (only for events that use catalog numbers), a 'Breeds index page' (showing an alphabetical list of all breeds entered along with their counts), and a 'States index page' (showing an alphabetical list of each US State where a dog's owner lives along with their entry counts).
  • For AKC breeds with official varieties, dog variety is now a dropdown on both the dog wizard and the registration wizard.  Dog variety is now required for these breeds when entering certain AKC event types.  We now show variety next to bring in catalogs and other places.
  • Added a club financial report for new club memberships and renewals.
  • Optimized image loading throughout the website and in club pages and newsletters, which dramatically reduced the size of some image-heavy newsletters that prevented emailing them to club members.
  • Updated the event stakes/classes editor to better support events organized by trials (scent work, obedience, rally, and barn hunt at this point).
  • Secretary entry notification emails now include dog variety, color, and also jump height for events that require it.
  • BUG: fixed an issue that caused incorrect club membership expiration dates for certain new members in clubs that require a separate 'reading' before members can be accepted into the club.

2021 Updates

December 2021

  • Added AKC junior handler number to user profile and also a 'junior handler' checkbox to the registration wizard for certain event types (e.g., AKC Obedience). We show this information in catalogs and other places.
  • Added a 'new exhibitor' checkbox to the registration wizard for certain event types (e.g., AKC obedience) and show that information in catalogs and other places.
  • Improved voting on new club members by showing secondary members, membership type, and more.
  • We no longer show 'dog swap' checkboxes in the drawing when viewed on a small phone or if the event has 3 courses because the lack of screen space caused problems.  Use a larger device or rotate your phone to see more options.
  • We fixed an issue that prevented a new user with a pre-existing profile from resetting their password.
  • Fixed a time zone issue that caused us to occasionally miss sending out survey reminders.
  • Fixed a dog wizard UI hang.
  • Let people use the degree symbol in event directions so they can provide longitude and latitude.
  • When a secretary swaps a dog, don't put the updated entry on a waiting list if there already is one.
  • Fixed a problem caused when someone removed multiple entries at the same time and had PerfDog open in browsers on multiple devices at the same time.

November 2021

  • Added basic entry support for obedience and rally!
  • Added obedience jump height and rally jump height to the dog wizard.
  • Club membership email recipients are now shown in a form that is easy to copy and paste into an email program.
  • When someone chooses a pre-existing 'draft' dog in the system to add to their list of dogs, they are now required to provide any missing information that would be required to enter the dog in an event, such as its call name, sire, dam, and owner.
  • Fix an issue related to our credit card processor that makes it seem like we're ready to take a payment when we're not. 
  • Anyone can now edit and claim a dog that has no relationships with another user as its owner, handler, or enterer.

October 2021

  • Secretaries can now modify the running order and catalog after an event is finished so they can reflect any on-site scratches and other changes.

September 2021

  • Added 'first handler' columns to the CSV export so it's easier to sort and search for a specific handler.
  • Event page now includes a table of contents at the top so people don't miss things because they don't scroll down far enough.
  • Fixed an issue related to swapping and moving dogs and how they were reflected on the financial report if the stake was removed.
  • Fixed a rare issue with credit card payments if people closed their browser or tab at a certain time before finishing checkout.
  • Fixed an issue related to daylight savings time and birth dates.

August 2021

  • Added a 'review bitches in heat' notice and button on the top of the running order page so secretaries can't miss when they need to be aware bitches in heat entered in their event.
  • Added new features and improvements in event setup.
  • Fixed crashes and hangs related to club membership, reports, and other pages.

July 2021

Major release

  • Club logos now appear on all outgoing emails related to club membership, events, newsletters, surveys, reminders, and such.
  • Clubs can now choose either a standard membership expiration date for everyone (such as December 31st or July 1st) or to let everyone have their own renewal schedule (starting on the day they first become a member).
  • Scent work support!  Clubs can now accept entries for scent work trials and perform basic admin functions in PerfDog (such as setting limits on number of entries, breeds, etc., getting financial reports, and managing waiting lists) while also being able to export entries to a CSV file that can be easily imported into mySWT/RyKris Scent Work software!
  • Clubs can now choose to pay all PerfDog fees on behalf of entrants, including processing fees and refund check printing and mailing fees.  This simplifies the premium and the entrant experience because they'll never see language related to fees on the website or in their confirmation emails.
  • Hunt tests and field trials can now be fully customized to act like other events that require their structure. This is behind the scenes for creating customized events.
  • Some terms on the website and in confirmation emails can be customized to replace the standard labels like 'clinic', 'stake', 'brace', 'course', 'judge', and 'premium'. This is behind the scenes for creating customized events.
  • Customized words available to replace words such as 'secretary', 'enter', 'entry', 'entered', 'entrant', 'event', and more. This is behind the scenes for creating customized events.
  • We now record who should automatically receives event related transaction notification emails and help emails.

May 2021

  • Added social media links to the transaction confirmation screen and email.
  • Fix issues related to navigating club website pages, especially to and from the membership and events pages.
  • Event search now correctly lets users search by date and many other fields.

April 2021

  • Club website pages and club membership management are now live!
  • Non-managed events: entrants can now use the 'manual' event entry forms right up until an event closes, even though they still can't enter and pay online after the cutoff we enforce (currently 14 days prior to event close) due to the slow postal service around the country.
  • Added a note to the catalog stake picker for hunt tests: "To print the event number on catalog pages, choose stakes from only one event at a time."  The event number goes in the header of each page in the catalog.
  • Club newsletter titles should now be correct after they're edited.
  • Fixed a very rare issue that caused entries to be removed from a stake when the secretary removed and rearranged stakes in a live event.

March 2021

Major release

  • Clubs will be able to create, rename, move, and remove their site pages.  They can also do the same with sub-pages.
  • Admins can swap one dog for another in an entry without charging the entrant.
  • Admins can move a dog from one stake to another.  We automatically prevent moving to a stake (or trial or day) that is already full or if the dog isn't eligible (e.g., wrong breed or age).  If the new stake costs the same as the old one, the entrant is not charged.  If the new stake costs less, the entrant receives a credit for the difference.  If the new stake costs more, the entrant is charged the same as if they cancelled the first entry then added the new one.
  • We now allow users to fix and report bad or missing information when viewing or entering a non-managed event.
  • We now show the AKC event number in the header of every catalog page of a day-oriented event (like a hunt test) when the secretary only includes stakes for a single day.
  • Avoid a UI crash when loading the waiting list management page with multiple entries on it.

February 2021

Major release

  • Help center support is now available with our new Help widget!
  • Show stake notes on clinics and other day/trial/level type events like scent work and barn hunt.
  • Event admins can now upload one or more documents that entrants must read and agree to before entering an event.
  • Added a new permission so clubs can let someone to manage their club website on PerfDog, but not access other club management features like membership.
  • Improvements made to shopping cart when secretary is acting on behalf of someone else. 
  • Reorganized the buttons in the Manage section. Added new Manage entries button and page that includes Add, Cancel, Swap, Move.
  • The dog wizard now says that AKC registration information is optional, because it's not required for some events like clinics.
  • Fixed club membership wizard problem where the user couldn't get past the 'members' step.
  • Fixed a bug when allowing multiple waiting list entries at the same time.

January 2021

Major release

  • Show 20 current and upcoming events on the home page (up from 8).
  • Updated new club web pages look and feel and editing functions. 
  • When someone with club admin permissions visits a club page, but their email address hasn't been verified yet, they'll be prompted to have PerfDog email them a code that they can enter on screen to gain access to club admin features.
  • Admins will be warned if they try to leave a club website page without saving their changes.
  • Event Secretaries can edit their venue's map, directions, etc.
  • Added a club membership directory!  Club members and admins can now search, sort, filter, and see each other on a map.
  • We now always show FDSB # and color on field tries entries report PDF pages.
  • Update the dog view page to show registered name in addition to call name.
  • Secretaries now receive a copy of any email they send through PerfDog.
  • Don't let someone remove a dog from their list if they have entries with it. Records are dependent on this info. 
  • Make the Cancel button work on the find/add/change people page. 
  • Fixed secondary member creation and selection in the club membership wizard.
  • Automatically replace problematic invisible characters copied/pasted from Microsoft Word or other programs into our email sending form.

2020 Updates

December 2020

Major release

  • Warning!  PerfDog no longer supports Microsoft Internet Explorer or what Microsoft calls their 'legacy' Edge browser (version 18 or below).  PerfDog continues to support the 'new' Microsoft Edge browser (version 80 and higher) and recent versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smart phones.
  • Free entries are now supported. This lets admins create free 'stakes' like a rattlesnake avoidance clinic 'recheck' that doesn't cost anything, but allows the admin to track who signed up, create a running order, and the like. There is no PerfDog processing fee for stakes that are free to enter.
  • Clinic support!  PerfDog can now manage 'clinics', such as rattlesnake avoidance, bird dog training, and many other non-AKC events like fun days, picnics, and other ad hoc gatherings. This helps both participants and administrators whenever there's a need to sign up and optionally pay in advance (with a credit card or mailed in check), send confirmation emails, handle online changes and cancellations, create and email custom running orders, print labels or a catalog or a report, and have an easy way to email all participants.
  • Club newsletters!  Clubs can now easily create and email newsletters to their membership.  The emails include an image of the front page of the newsletter and has the full newsletter as an attachment.  Members can also view the newsletter online.
  • Completely overhauled club pages to be far easier to create and edit.  Admins can start from PerfDog-related templates.

November 2020

Major release

  • Club admins can now download a membership report spreadsheet in the format the AKC requires annually.
  • Club admins can now manage permissions for their club users.  For example, an admin can give another user admin privileges.
  • The club membership table now lets admins see only primary members or also secondary (e.g., 'household') members.
  • Clubs can now track their officials and directors on their club membership page.
  • Club membership renewal reminder emails now include the email address that the reminder is being sent to.  This will help remind members to update their email address in PerfDog if it's out of date.
  • When trying to become a member of a club, users can now select their 'sponsor' from a list of current club members if the club requires sponsorship as a condition of joining.
  • Added a 'My clubs' page so users can quickly get to club pages where they have a membership.
  • Club admins can see charts, shared interests, and other reports on their club's membership.
  • Users can now find clubs and events when searching for an abbreviation. For example, searching for 'gsp' would find 'German Shorthaired Pointer Club of San Antonio'.
  • On the home page, open 'managed' events now take priority over recently finished ones.

October 2020

Major release

  • We now fully support Water Test stakes in Field Trials. 
  • Club voting!  Clubs can set up officer and director elections and voting on new members.  The 'survey' creator decides who can respond (e.g., voting club members, all club members, only club officials, or only club directors). Eligible voters will be notified by email that they can vote and will receive additional reminder emails until they vote or the deadline has passed.
  • Club admins can send emails to their club through PerfDog.  They can easily choose to send only to club officials,voting members, members due to renew soon, or to all members.
  • Club membership!  PerfDog can now manage a club's membership, including helping people become members initially and handling renewals.  We can automatically send out reminder emails when it's time to renew.  New applicants and existing members can pay online at PerfDog.  Members can see their current status, what kind of membership they have, and when it expires.  Club admins can enter membership types and prices, upload membership documents, view current members, and manually add/edit memberships. 
  • Club sites within PerfDog can now be found at<club ID> where the <club ID> can be either the club 'short name' (e.g., 'RMVC') or the full name using dashes instead of spaces (e.g., 'Rocky-Mountain-Vizsla-Club')
  • If someone scratches the last dog in a brace after a running order has already been generated, remove the entire brace.
  • Allow PDF event results to be viewed on smart phones.

August 2020

Major release

  • Initial Club Pages release! Every pointing dog breed club now has their own area within PerfDog where they can share standard information about their club, membership, rescue, and the like. Club admins are all known AKC contacts and event chairs and secretaries. Admins must verify their email address online before they can edit club pages.
  • Judge Search! See all of a judge's field trial and hunt test assignments, sorted by date, club, or stake. All assignments include placements and dogs with links to the associated events, dogs, and fellow judges.
  • Dog search!  Find any pointing dog that has placed in a field trial or had a qualifying hunt test run since 2010. 
  • Let users upload premiums as either PDF or MS Word docs.
  • Added more game type options for field events: ducks and guinea hens.
  • Lots of improvements to our Documentation and Help Center, including new 'How to' guides!
  • Event search results are now properly sorted by date on every page when the table is sorted by date.
  • Fixed AKC hunt test report pagination when a stake has an exact multiple of 5 qualifying dogs

January-July 2020

  • PerfDog event pages now provide links to their associated AKC event pages.
  • Hunt test secretaries can now see multiple courses side by side when managing running orders.
  • Water test stakes are now supported in hunt tests.
  • Entrants can change a non-managed event secretary's name and club name if PerfDog has incorrect information.
  • PerfDog now enforces a 10 day cut-off prior to the official registration close date for entering non-managed events online to make sure there's enough time to mail entries to the secretary.
  • Users can now enter any pointing breed field trial or hunt test through a new 'manual entry' method.  They can search for an event; choose their dogs, stakes, and handlers; and download or print final entry forms ready for signing and mailing to the event secretary. It's all FREE!
  • Users can now enter any pointing breed field trial or hunt test online and pay online with a credit card. Users provide their digital signature which is printed on their entry forms. PerfDog charges a special check and entry form printing and mailing fee for this service in addition to the standard processing fee per entry that is automatically added to the entry fees shown in the premium (or on the AKC website). 
  • PerfDog no longer supports the Internet Explorer browser.  Users should visit the site with a recent version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge.
  • The event page now shows a calendar and a map. Clicking the map opens a new browser tab/window to Google Maps. 
  • Secretaries can now view, print, email, and post results for PerfDog-managed hunt tests.
  • Entrants can now view hunt test results for both PerfDog-managed events and imported event results.  They can now also view imported field trial event results.
  • Bulk email sending! Secretaries can now easily send email to judges, other volunteers, handlers, entrants, any users in the system, or arbitrary email addresses.
  • Added two new fields to the event 'basics' form: 'AKC event status' and 'AKC judge panel status'.  Both must be approved for an event to open for entries.  
  • Added tooltip when hovering over almost any disabled button to show why it's disabled.
  • We now show a small colored dot on the right side of user dropdown lists to signify people who have never signed onto the system before.
  • Let secretaries immediately charge entrants by check (or credit card if saved and authorized) when allowing their waiting list entries into an event.
  • Add an instructions page as a cover letter to secretary catalog PDF's.
  • Let secretaries 'publish' an event so everyone can see it or put it back in 'draft' mode until they're ready.
  • Let secretaries set an opening date/time to start accepting entries.
  • Updated our About page.
  • Event venues now have a dropdown list.
  • Let users remove dogs from their 'My dogs' page if they have no recorded passes or placements with the AKC and have never been entered in an event on PerfDog
  • Gave the user a button to get back to the home page after completing a transaction.
  • Refreshed fonts and colors throughout the site to match our new logo and branding.
  • Update field trial points awarded in amateur stakes on results and running orders.
  • Improved automatic running order problem fixer to be much faster and more accurate!
  • Add a button to get to the limits and timing page from manage running orders (and a button there to return).
  • Support 3 courses side-by-side on the manage running orders page (for users with wide screens) and added a toggle switch to enable the scrolling of multiple courses independently.
  • Secretaries can now choose 'one at a time' or 'side by side' formats when emailing and posting running orders.
  • Improved issues related to credit card processing failures.
  • Secretaries can now add lunches and other breaks to running orders. They can also put in a 'stop for the day' marker and say when they want to continue the remaining braces. 
  • Auto-filling dog details is more than 3 times faster now.
  • Entrants can now pay off the balance of what they owe by check with a credit card at any time.
  • When secretaries act on behalf of entrants, they will now be able to use the entrants' pre-existing credits.  
  • Home page overhaul.
  • Secretaries can now drag entries past a lunch break or end of day break if there are no other entries there already.
  • Entrants now see the policies page if they're getting a refund or don't owe anything, as long as they're adding entries or extras.
  • Let the user try again after a credit card processing error.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented some versions of Microsoft Edge from downloading PDF's.
  • Fixed an issue related to bitch in heat notifications on the running order page. 
  • Fixed an issue with running order when changing settings. 
  • Fixed a problem where taking a specific path caused loss of dog's basic info. 
  • Fixed drag/drop issues in running order when bye dogs are involved


January-December 2019

  • Added a downloadable CSV file for secretaries containing all information for a specific event (i.e., event info, stake info, entries, handlers, dogs, owners, results, etc.).
  • Allow secretaries to add, change, move, and remove stakes.
  • Admins can create, remove, and change entries on behalf of users. 
  • Admins can edit user profiles and dog records.  They can also add new users and dogs to the system.
  • Show a prefix of 'BH-' in form fields where we ask for a Barn Hunt Association (BHA) number so users know what to type.
  • Secretaries with active events can now search for, view, edit, and add dogs and users.
  • Secretaries can now choose which day(s) they want to include in catalogs, running orders, and score cards, both on screen and in PDF.
  • Support lots of new dog titles, mainly for barn hunt, scent work, and trick dog, including repeat titles like RATCHX4.
  • Dogs can now have a variety and a height in inches.
  • Support for barn hunt trials.  Dogs can only enter elements they're eligible for according to titles held.
  • Support for scent work trials.  Dogs can only enter elements they're eligible for according to titles held.
  • Secretaries can now edit basic event information: name, venue, start and end dates/times, entry deadlines.
  • Improved dog entering capabilities for people who are not owners of a dog. 
  • Improved check out speed and performance of other webpages. 
  • Hunt test score cards now include the names of all judges below the 'qualified' check box in case they want to sign or initial, but secretaries can also use this information to help organize their paperwork.
  • Field trial stakes can now have special notes that appear only when the user enters that stake. 
  • Made it easier for users to enter non-AKC dogs with Barn Hunt Association (BHA) and Field Dog Stud Book (FDSB) numbers.
  • We now support Canadian addresses (provinces, territories, and postal codes) and US territories.
  • 'Training' and 'rental' are two new kinds of 'extras'.
  • Hunt test secretaries can now see, download, and print score cards after an event is finished.
  • Hunt Test stakes are now always in junior-senior-master order by day to avoid confusion.
  • Let someone enter an AKC field trial with just a Field Dog Stud Book (FDSB) number. 
  • Improved the quick entries view page.
  • We now detect and warn users who try to add entries for the same dog at roughly the same time.  We also prevent duplicate entries if one user finishes their transaction before the other user puts the entry in their cart.
  • Multiple field trial catalog improvements. 
  • Fix an issue with stake ordering issues.
  • Fixed a problem where a user could switch from paying by check to paying by credit card, but still see the credit card buttons on the transaction confirmation page after successfully paying by credit card.
  • Fixed issues with date and date/time fields not always responding, which was extremely frustrating.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from adding a new dog with an AKC number.


January-December 2018

  • Create a 'catalog' for Hunt tests and Field Trials so secretaries can print everything ahead of the on-site event. 
  • Add Judges and volunteer page to Setup. 
  • Add 'color' to dog profile.
  • Show club logos for events on home page.
  • Show AKC number type (e.g., PAL, Foreign) and/or country on AKC reports, catalogs, and entries report for non-AKC/US dogs.
  • In Hunt test catalogs, show a "Check if qualified" box next to each entry and "Judge initials" lines at the bottom of each page.
  • Let users know their browser might show a PDF in a separate tab.
  • Let secretaries print pre-filled or blank judges score cards for hunt tests.  Use running order for pre-filled cards.
  • Improved 'owners' section of dog info
  • On registration stakes page, show more information about each dog if there are more than 10 or duplicate call names.  This helps pro handlers, in particular.
  • When secretary enters field trial results, show the total number of entrants and starters for each stake to make double checking easier. 
  • Show number of starters and points on field trial results PDF.
  • Add number of starters and points to field trial results web page and remove date from field trial results PDF.
  • Add dog call name to hunt test and field trial AKC reports to make it easier for judges and secretaries to confirm.
  • Allow non-AKC dogs to enter AKC events to make sure foreign-registered dogs can get in.

2015-2018 UPDATES


PerfDog's online entry software was first used in a Hunt Test in Colorado in 2015. After that successful trial run, we slowly began adding additional features such as labels for scorecards and AKC reporting paperwork. Additional features followed and clubs began finding us, wanting to use our software, which helped us improve what PerfDog does. We thank the Rocky Mountain Vizsla Club and Skyline Brittany Club for using our software at the very beginning of our journey!

PerfDog began with the goal of helping Pointing Breed Hunt Test secretaries run their events more efficiently.  See our About us page to learn more about our story.