PerfDog's Non-Refundable Processing Fees
The Processing Fee
You can build it into your entry/registration fees, or absorb it.
PerfDog charges a non-refundable processing fee per entry or extra to the dog club (or organization) holding the event. The processing fee is deducted from the club's final proceeds for each entry or extra no matter how the entrant pays (by credit card or check) and whether or not it is canceled.
Most clubs build the processing fees into their entries and extras fees to cover the cost.
For example, if your club wants to keep $50 per entry, you'd publish $53 in your Premium List, at the AKC (so it shows up in your event details on their site), and elsewhere. PerfDog keeps the $3 in all cases.
Our full list of processing fees is in our Club Agreement.
How refunds work
During event set up, you get to choose how to handle refunds when an entry or extra is canceled.
There are 2 options.
1. The default option is to refund the entrant the amount they originally paid, less the processing fee.
For example, if your club publishes $53 as the entry fee and you've chosen to pass the processing fee on to the entrant when entries are canceled, we'll refund/credit each canceled entry $50.
2. However, some clubs/organizations want to fully refund their participants. In that case, the club can absorb the non-refundable processing fee instead of the entrant.
For example, if your club publishes $53 as the entry fee and you've chosen to absorb the processing fee when entries are canceled, we'll refund/credit each canceled entry the full $53. In your Financial Summary, you'll see that your club will receive $50 when the entry comes in, and if it's canceled, $53 is deducted from your final proceeds.
What's next? Find out what should be included in your Premium List.
Your premium must include two sections of text that clearly state PerfDog is the entry service for your event, mention any fees entrants may be required to pay, and outline the terms for cancellations.